Pregnancy Assistance Frankston recommends Rachel's Vineyard's Healing Retreats. They are a two day retreat designed to bring spiritual and psychological healing to women and men suffering the effects of a past abortion experience.
Rachel's Vineyard - Healing Retreats
Who is it for?
Rachel's Vineyard Retreat is a confidential healing ministry for the many people who have been touched by an abortion experience. The purpose of the retreat is post-abortion reconciliation and healing for the "other victims" of abortion. The woman who has had an abortion, the person who at one time provided the abortion, the man or woman who has forced a daughter, spouse or girlfriend to have an abortion, the potential grandparents and all who have been denied. All of these people need help to deal with the grief, anger and sense of responsibility for a great loss.
"I would not have been able to achieve, anywhere else, the level of spiritual healing I have received this weekend."
"Incredibly meaningful -- freeing, uplifting -- after so many years of silence our pain could find release." (This was written by a woman who had lived in deep shame for over 40 years.)
A Rachel's Vineyard Retreat provides you with an opportunity to receive the healing grace of God and to move forward in a caring and hope-filled atmosphere toward reconciliation with yourself, your unborn child and God. Take the first step.
Where are they held?
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Darwin, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra and Launceston (locations, dates).
Who to contact?
Call (02) 9440 7980 and leave a message on our confidential voice mail or email our confidential address You will be contacted by a non-judgemental, compassionate counsellor.